Pretty Cold!

Waiting for spring to come! And every time I have a day off and want to have some fun, we get a #calamity sized snow storm!

This weekend it snowed so much the tree outside is still bent even after knocking the snow off!

It looks really pretty and I’m lucky I hardly feel cold, so we walked to the shop until the plow came.

They came and cleaned up our street at night so I got an evening workout as well!

Late night #calamity

The above picture explains why I will be eating everything in sight for the next 48 hours! 🤣

I hope you’re not snowed in and are enjoying adventures!

Have a great day and Happy Adventuring!

No hay mal que por bien no venga!

2023 will certainly be full of new challenges! But that’s what life is about! Taking everything as it comes and gaining new insights from every change.

Apparently I’ll be having weekends off from work this year…

I’m excited about more free time from work to focus on things that really interest me. And I’ll have the chance to take you to more fun places too!

2023 will be my year after all!

Don’t ever be afraid of change. No matter how scary! It is just a renewal of energies in your life! No change has ever been boring and there is nothing worse than being stuck in a rut.

So whatever this year brings, let’s do it! Bravely!

Looking forward to new adventures!

Happy Adventuring!

Nothing but #calamity

So I tried to have a fun life even with all the global #calamities but it just wasn’t working for me.

The hits kept on coming and although I went out to distract myself, nothing could revive my magic for the longest time.

So I had to take a break. You can’t be the fun party person when you’re having a stressful time. Stay home or you’ll make a scene and embarrass yourself.

That’s why I went ghost. No making scenes on the internet!

Finally feeling better and ready for some small adventure, doing whatever I can find…

Fingers crossed it gets better for all of us and we can have some fun!

Thank you for all the likes in my absence! It really means a lot to me!

Have a fantastic day and

Happy Adventuring! ♥️

Sunshine at last!

We finally got to enjoy lake Ontario today! We go there quite often but its very cold from the wind on the lakeshore so we don’t pause to take pictures.

If you wish to go, this is the information.

It’s got a beautiful trail right along the lake and you can go down to the water if you go off the path!

Check out that happy dog! Miss Phoenix loves the beach and chasing waves. She managed to jump in a few times but then gave up because it’s still a bit cold.

The water was so beautiful today! You could almost imagine you were at a tropical beach or back in Spain! I wish I could go swimming!

After our walk we got some Starbucks and a pupochino!

Now it’s time to rest up for more adventures!

Hoping you got out in the fresh air and at least had a mini-adventure!

Keep safe and Happy Adventuring!

I refuse to spam you with meaningless content!… Why I’ve not blogged! 💛

The last of my flowers!

Unlike other people who find infinite free time inspiring… I’ve got to admit, the “rona” has got me down! #calamity

Since the pandemic I’ve had less work and sooo much free time. I don’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t even tell you what day of the week it is. I might as well be asleep for the whole of 2020!

I’ve tried to stay upbeat and find things to do, like learn Russian and train my dog, and go walking. But that is now the new routine. Nothing interesting to see here…

So instead of spamming my blog with infinite pictures of sunsets, or my dog at the same 3 parks, I prefer to keep quiet and post when something actually meaningful happens.

I think that’s best for everyone! 😊 I’d hate to bore you during an already challenging year.

If you want to see infinite pics if my cute dog, or random fashion moments, you can head over to my Instagram at Yatsina2.0 💛💛😘

My insta!

Hope you are all keeping well and we will be back at it when actual adventuring is permitted again!

Happy quarantine! 💛

How to tire a bulldog?

Adventures!!! Lots and lots of adventures!!!

Also, remember to bring water for the pup and don’t walk when it is too hot! If you can’t touch the floor comfortably, stay home!

We got an awesome trail app these last few weeks and have tried out many different places! It’s called “All Trails” in the play-store and lists the different places you can go with information about the length, difficulty and other useful tips. It also has reviews and a favourites section!

So far we have been to Purple Woods near Port Perry, Eniskillin and Orono! We had lots of fun exploring and Phoenix loves going new places!

These were at Purple Woods near Port Perry! It’s a great trail and Phoenix loved running through the tall grass and checking all the scents! She was on the leash the whole time so we got a workout too!

Eniskillin also has easy to follow trails and a cute river for Phoenix to dip her feet and cool off! We went early in the morning so it was not too hot.

Orono had a beautiful trail through the woods and some fun obstacles to play on! Maybe don’t run down the cliff!, but they survived! Lol

I highly recommend the app, especially now where the stores are still closed and you may be running out of places to go.

We’ve had a lot of fun and will continue to share our walkies!

Keep healthy and Happy Adventuring!

Walkies in the sun!

It finally got warm enough for shorts! Thank goodness for simple pleasures like getting some sunshine on my deathly pale legs! Lol

Miss Phoenix working on her agility! She loves being up high!

We’ve been walking at Oshawa creek lately, before it gets too hot! Here are some pictures! It’s a great place with paved paths that go all the way to the lakefront. Something we’ll try another day!

Phoenix loves going in the river!
Looks like the entrance to a magical world!

We also walked through this cool tunnel!

Follow the light!
Look at that smile!

So far we’ve had a great time at this park, although it is very close to downtown Oshawa. Just maybe don’t go there alone at night because it’s in a bit of a party area. Just a suggestion…

Now that parks are re-opening we can hopefully go to some new places!

Hope you’re enjoying some sunshine!

Happy Adventuring! 💛

Let’s jump right in!

Why did I go missing? Simple, life kicked my ass and I couldn’t justify paying to expand my blog when everything was so vague! #calamity

But I’m back! I finally seem to be getting it together and can get back to having fun!

I was thinking for a long time what my first post should be about. But you know me now, so let’s keep it casual…

2020 was a fresh start and I even managed to do my vision board! We all made some at work and even though it was with limited resources, I like how it turned out!

We ended up making them on cardboard which at the time seemed strange, but now makes perfect sense! And it stands up on its own!

I was planning on taking mine home, but then I realized I spend most of my time at work! Having it sat at my desk allows me to see it all day long! And this is how vision boards work! You see them and then your brain connects the dots to get you there! Magic!

This year it seems I just want water! Lots of it! In all kinds of settings! I want to try a mermaid swimming course and go to lakes and oceans. My major dream is a trip to Mexico and/or Belize to see the ruins and of course nature! Caribana or carnival is also a must this year!

My word for this year is FREEDOM in all extensions of the word! I need some joy!

Lots of people post their vision boards when they already know what activities they have planned for the year to look more blessed. This is not the case here. I have 0 plans! So lets see how it goes!

Hope you enjoyed my dive into the deep end! I’ll be posting more often now. I’m back!

Happy Adventuring!

A walk in the park…🌞

Last weekend I finally got a break and the weather cleared up nicely too. So I went for a walk at the lakeshore!

Spring is in full swing so it was nice to take some pictures of nature!

This was a small pond right by the lake! I haven’t seen swans in years! Too bad they were busy underwater and didn’t want to pose for pictures! 😄

Somehow being in nature is so relaxing!

Finally we took in the sounds of the waves for a bit!

Overall it was a great time spent not thinking of work!

Here’s hoping you’re having a great week so far! 💙💙☔

Happy Adventuring! 🌞